Get your invoices out and your bills paid faster. Track late payers and follow up more quickly. Identify which parts of your business are profitable and which aren’t. Track your income and your expenses by each department. See where you should expand, and where you should cut back. Protect your business from failure by identifying financial problems in advance.
At McKay Tax & Accounting, we know that technology makes greater efficiency possible. Whether you’re upgrading your files or brand new to Quickbooks, we can teach you to use the program to its full potential and unlock its power for your business.
QuickBooks can be the most comprehensive and cost-effective tool you ever use to manage your business. Not only is it usefull for day-to-day operations, it makes tax preparation easier and less time-consuming. That translates into lower costs for you.
We can help you with the following:
We know that data is only useful if its implications are understood. We can show you both how to pull the data you need to make your business thrive and how to read it. We offer ongoing, professional support for all your accounting and payroll questions as often as you need it.
Your business is a big investment. Get the technological power and skills you need to protect it from financial perils and cultivate its growth.
Richard McKay has been helping businesses of all size manage their finances and achieve their goals for over 42 years. Let us help you as well. Please call McKay Tax & Accounting to speak with a member of our staff at 801-731-1857 or online at RMCKAY@MCKAYTAX.COM.
Whether you want someone to handle all of your business accounting on a full-time basis or just need a few hours of assistance, we can accommodate you. We can do as much or as little as you need.
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